
创建:2019年3月27日|最后更新:2019年12月18日|类别:   |  Tagged:

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2019年3月27日)——随着她的大四即将结束,华盛顿 & Jefferson College (W&英语专业19岁的莫莉·莱利不禁思考她将留下什么遗产.

“我希望人们记住我的活力和对W的热爱&J. This school has made me an incredible person and I felt that I could always be myself along the way,” she said.

莫莉是一名喀麦隆歌手,也是《det365app》的撰稿人&J’s Literary Magazine), 西格玛Tau Delta英语和Phi Alpha Theta历史荣誉社团的成员, 以及教务处的一名学生工作者. In addition, she has served as a resident assistant for the Office of Residence Life since her sophomore year. 这个位置给莫莉留下了不可磨灭的印记.

“我在寻找一些能让我参与其中的东西. 作为回报,我找到了我的家人,” said Molly, 谁是宠物之家的管理员,经常带着她心爱的狗出现在校园里, Lola. “她丰富了我在华盛顿大学的经历&让我成为了一个更好的人.”

Opportunities at W&我允许莫莉到苏格兰阿伯丁的阿伯丁大学留学.


Molly hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in English Literature and/or Gender Studies with the goal of becoming a professor and helping young people, 找到他们对生活的热情.”

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿.是一所建于1781年的文理学院. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J, visit mzkb.hbwendu.org, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.